My guest blog posts

Since starting Jos Can last Autumn, I have been fortunate to have forged connections with some of those who have come across the blog. This has led to me write guest posts for other blogs.

12th Jan
Graduate Job Hunt
‘Breaking into the marketing industry’
18th Jan
Milkround Recruiters
‘A science grad’s quest to find a job in marketing’
15th Feb
‘Journey into marketing’
27th Feb
Milkround Student View
‘LinkedIn professional headline: Graduate’
27th Feb

13th Jun
All About Careers


‘Writing a marketing blog’

'Jos Can, can you?

  • 12th January 2012 - Fellow blogger Michael Palmer, with whom I have struck up an online friendship owing to our similar backgrounds (both academic grads, both blogging about our graduate job hunting lives) asked me to write a guest blog post for him. You can find it at Graduate Job Hunt Blog. The topic of my post (published 12th January 2012) is a lamentation about the post-recession transition of the graduate job market to less favour the 'generic' academics.

  • 18th January 2012 - Before Christmas I was also lucky enough to be asked by Milkround to write for their new blog for recruiters using Milkround's services. I speak about my past history in marketing roles and how I hope that this will be appreciated along with my degree in my quest to find an agency position. Published January 18th, you can read it here: Milkround Recruiters

  • 15th February 2012 - Working as a Marketing Project Manager for the graduate recruitment company who owned TARGETjobs, I was able to make contact with the people in charge of their new blog. The blog was to be a platform for students a graduates to share stories about "internship and job hunt experiences, tips on how you got hired, gap year advice or funny first job or interview stories". I offered to write about my journey into marketing. You can read it at TARGETjobs Bloggers.

  • 27th February 2012 - Before Jos Can even existed, I submitted an article to the 'Student View' section of the Milkround website about my lamentations of being a graduate chasing the right opportunity in a world filled with them. It was my first taste of writing for anyone other than my lecturers/examiners for a long time! Writing the article was definitely the catalyst to getting this whole blog underway, so although I'm not in the same position I was then, it's still great that it's now made it to the top of what I imagine to be a very long line of students hoping for their articles to be published. To see where my blogging inspiration began, visit Milkround Student View
  • 27th February 2012 - All About Careers is a great web resource for students at all stages who are looking to find out more about the different career opportunities out there. I wrote an article for them about how blogging has helped me in my graduate job hunt: 'Writing a marketing blog
  • 13th June 2012 - In my efforts to spread the word about the Class of INITIALS (a work placement scheme ran by my previous agency), I made contact with Gradvantage, an industry-focused blog run by grads from the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising), and ended up writing a short piece about my industry experiences so far. I reveal some of the harsher truths about having a job in marcomms and also offer what I hope is some good advice about chasing down a job. Have a read: Jos Can, can you?